1/2 Hour More Track Time!

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Host Club, the NSW Road Racing Club has agreed to add another 1/2 hour of track time to it’s events, commencing with Round 3 to be held on Saturday 14th May 2022, by starting competition at 8:30am instead of 9:00am. This will mean that Scrutineering/Check-in will move forward to open at 7:00am and the Drivers Briefing will be at 8:00am.

Follow Ian Williams:
Chair, Motorsport Australia NSW Supersprint Panel, elected Member of the Motorsport Australia NSW State Council Executive, Series Scrutineer Motorsport Australia NSW Supersprint Championship, HSV Owners Club of NSW (Inc HDT) Webmaster & Motorsport Australia Delegate. Motorsport Australia Officials Licences: Silver Scrutineering, Bronze Event Command, Club Chief & General Official.
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